This project started after being repetitively asked by strangers and friends about my hair care and curls. After helping some friends to get their once-lost snails back, I thought it was time to my knowledge with the world.

I want this project to teach you everything you need to know about your curls so you can have healthy hair, with maximum definition and volume!

Click here to see all the information on Instagram!

I love to help and inspire people.

My goal is to guide you on this journey to love your hair as it is, because there is nothing more liberating than loving ourselves just the way we are..

Miss Curly

Tips and Reviews

Bounce Curl and Rulls - Finishing Products
Bounce Curl and Rulls - Finishing Products
22 December, 2020
Olá olá! Hoje vamos fazer aqui uma review, algo que já não fazia há imenso tempo! 😁 A querida loja Curlyness enviou-me 3 produtos em Agosto e por isso, após este tempo todo, várias exp...
Does the Hair Schedule really work?
Does the Hair Schedule really work?
12 November, 2020
O que é o Cronograma Capilar? O cronograma capilar é um tratamento feito em casa que consiste em utilizar 3 tipos de máscaras para o cabelo de forma a hidratá-lo, nutri-lo e reconst...
Moisture doesn't have to be bad for your hair!
Moisture doesn't have to be bad for your hair!
1 October, 2020
O que acontece com a humidade? A humidade/água pode entrar no cabelo e fazer com que o cabelo fino e encaracolado fique liso e frisado. A causa do frizz criado pela humidade é a difusão do ...

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