Is rice water used to treat hair?

rice water in hairDoes using rice water in your hair have any benefits?

I'm sure you've heard rumors about the benefits of rice water, especially in the world of natural hair and today we're going to talk about it, especially people who say it helps in “hair growth”. Let's look at the facts, is it worth using this on the hair?

First of all, let's know where this tradition came from:

According to an article in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, the use of rice water in the hair routine comes from Japan, many years ago, where girls from a village that was known for planting rice used this to comb their hair, saying that this was what made him grow faster and healthier.

This is called Yu ‐ Su ‐ Ru (water from washing rice)

The study says that if the water extracts from rice were used it actually decreased the friction of the hair and increased its elasticity. However, if the rice washing water is used, it leads to dryness of the scalp, dandruff and difficulty in defogging the hair.

With this, a Japanese company years later developed a technique to visualize the effect of inositol (substance found in rice water) on hair. This study is very likely to have commercial interests.

There are two more studies proving the effectiveness of rice extracts, from Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin and Journal od Nutrition and Food Sciences.

Yes, rice extracts have benefits, but the pure water from washing the rice, not.

To date, there is no concrete evidence to suggest any benefit from using rice water in hair.

Then why?

rice water in hair

Well, for a start, Asian hair is considerably different from ours and you can in that ethnicity even grow your hair faster, or not! But it is something to research.

I read that some people even ferment rice, this for the scalp can lead to the proliferation of microorganisms.

Then, we usually wash the rice to cook it, to remove this water. The problem is this: you don't know where this rice came from, what products, pesticides, fungicides, antibiotics, etc. it took! Even there is so much fuss about using parabens in the hair, but rice water may contain arsenic, which really has proven toxicity.

Now, if you search the internet for products with rice water, there are some for sale with the extracts mentioned in the articles that could bring benefits, but there it is, the active ingredient is in a product that was previously refined, sterilized, etc. to be used in a person.

If you have a good diet and use the right products in your hair, believe me, your hair will grow without having to worry about it!

What happens on the internet is like an "echo" - we can't believe everything they tell us, always ask! Nowadays people do everything to go viral, so always research the source of the source!

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