Does using poo / low poo help to reduce oiliness on the scalp?

Does using poo / low poo help to reduce oiliness on the scalp?

Hair Myths
I'll start by explaining in a simple way how the oil (sebum) appears on the scalp. Sebum arises due to sebaceous glands under the surface of the skin. These glands produce an oily substance that reaches the skin's surface through the hair follicles. Having some sebum is good for the skin, but some people are more likely to produce excess sebum. The hypothesis that I see most refer to is the implication that removing these natural oils (or tallow) with a sulfate shampoo will cause the glands to produce more oil, leading to oily hair. To understand how this works, we must first understand how sebum production is regulated, in other words, what turns sebum production on and off. Apparently it is ...
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Is rice water used to treat hair?

Is rice water used to treat hair?

Hair Myths
Does using rice water on hair have any benefits? I'm sure you've heard rumors about the benefits of rice water, especially in the world of natural hair and today we're going to talk about it, especially people who say it helps with “hair growth”. Let's look at the facts, is it worth wearing this on your hair? First of all, let's know where this tradition came from: According to an article in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, the use of rice water in the hair routine comes from Japan, many years ago, where the girls of a village that she was known for planting rice and used it to comb her hair, saying that it made her hair grow faster and healthier. This is called…
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Does Co Wash / No Poo replace Shampoo?

Does Co Wash / No Poo replace Shampoo?

Hair Myths
O Co Wash/No Poo substituí o Champô? [caption id="attachment_11235" align="alignright" width="480"] Picture taken by Tony Maleedy[/caption] Co Wash significa: CO de condicionador WASH de lavar - lavar o couro cabeludo com condicionador. A autora do Método Curly Girl defende exclusivamente isto, porque refere que qualquer tipo de champô é muito agressivo/secante para o cabelo... FUNCIONA? Irá sem dúvida fazer um refresh no cabelo. O co wash pode ser interessante para quem lava o cabelo TODOS OS DIAS, faz natação, praia diariamente, ginásio, etc. Mas NÃO vai remover resíduos de cremes e sujidade. (E vou explicar porque pode danificar o cabelo mesmo não usando champô). QUAL É O OBJECTIVO DISTO? Bem, os condicionadores contêm surfactantes (apesar de serem diferentes dos usados em champôs),…
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